a good number of bloggers are blog on Wordpress!. Is really
there any reasons? Yes we know that Wordpress is better than BlogSpot. The
reason being, its features such as more flexibility, less coding, high end
features, a much better interface for multi-author blogs. But, there are many
things for which Blogger is better than Wordpress.
your posts will be
indexed in the Search Engines much quicker with Blogger. Usually within a few
hours of posting your newest page will appear, allowing you to receive the most
traffic as quickly as possible. This is especially important as most blogs
strive to talk about the newest and most relevant news as it breaks. If that
news does not index for two days, it will already be old when people start to
read your posts.
- Integrated Login with Your Google Account
With the ability to
easily connect all of your Google accounts, this is a big plus for Blogger.
Many of the most useful features for a website are offered by Google, including
AdSense, AdWords, and Webmaster tools for Google indexing. Instead of adding
code into your templates, something that can quickly become confusing and
result in broken websites, Blogger allows you to simply click a button and
integrate AdSense or banners into your site.
- Free Hosting Service and 100% uptime
Most important and
powerful feature of blogger is its free hosting service if you prefer
blogger.com you don't need to pay for any hosting charges, but if we are going
for Wordpress, then we need a self hosted blog and for that, we will need to
pay for hosting every month or year, Wordpress blog is hosted on other company
servers where we don't get a 100% up-time, but in case of Blogger you get 100%
up-time. Now just think about this - can Google go down like local servers? Then why we want to prefer wordpress??
- Blogger vs Wordpress via SEO
Search Engine
Optimization is one of the major reason why people stay alive in the
competitive blogging world. If your blogging platform is not good for SEO, then
it is not worth continuing with it. blogger is better than Wordpress via SEO.
It is true that Wordpress has some SEO areas where it is better than blogger
but when all has been summed up, Blogger will remain at the top.
Well, if you want a secure blog,
then blogger is the best option .Wordpress is a target of many hackers, the
platform has to keep on releasing new version in order to patch up the security
flaws in the earlier versions. It is one reason which makes a blogger custom
domain blog far better than a WordPress blog
Operating a blogger blog is one of the easiest
things to do, signing up takes
seconds, allowing users to use their Google login and asking only for few basic
information such as blog title and description. From there, blog posts can be
typed up and entered with two or three clicks and are automatically indexed. For
newcomers to the blogosphere especially, Blogger is the best choice when it
comes to ease of use
- Appearance and Code of Templates
Google launched its XML powered themes function, many themes have been
developed and most of them are available for free whereas most of the Wordpress
themes are paid ones. In Blogger, there are a number of
pre-built templates as well as thousands more available from other websites.
Simply copy and paste them into your blog's template page and you have a new
look. Additionally, the style sheets and HTML code for your template (if you
are willing to do so) can easily be changed and enhanced to suit your specific
doubt, blogger is the best platform for those who want to make money online.
Blogger is fully customized with AdSense. It is easy to open an Adsense account
while on blogger, You can also use Amazon on blogger. you can use Amazon and
Adsense on other platform also, but it is easier on blogger
- More and more new features
Blogger has started to
introduce many features. The first being - xml driven blog, then a new template
editor and now, there is a big change that the whole blogspot.com interface
will be changed to new look, and that will be really awesome.
Blogger has imposed the following limitations on content
storage and bandwidth, per user account:
Number of blogs = Unlimited
Size of pages = Individual pages (the main
page of a blog or archive pages) are limited to 1 MB
Number of labels = 5,000 unique labels per
blog, 20 unique labels per post
Number of pictures (hyperlinked from user's Picasa Web Album) = Up to 1 GB of free storage
Team members (those that can write to a
blog) = 100
Stand-Alone Page = Limited to 10 stand-alone